My world in images


Raspberry Canes


A classic shot of the Fraser Valley in winter. Looking down a row of Raspberry bushes that have been trimmed and tied up, ready for Spring. Distant local mountains provide a nice backdrop.

Baker’s Geese

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A winter vista of Mount Baker and Mill Lake in Abbotsford, complete with a selection of Canada and Cackling Geese, on a very cold blustery day.

Icicles at Dawn

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As the Sun came up the other morning, the light sparkled off the icicles coming off our Clematis bush

All Tother Now…


…Sing a Song of Summer. A group of American Robins (Turdus migratorius) at our birdbath in the snow. Our heated water has been quite popular!

Winter Hummer


A male Anna’s Hummingbird (Calypte anna) was having a little nap on this branch. We are in the midst of a weather event, bringing Minus temperatures and strong cold winds! Doesn’t seem to bother these guys. He comes over to the feeder every 10 minutes or so has a drink and goes back to this perch!